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With more than a decade spent in the newsroom, MMM has a unique approach to publicity work. We know what journalists need, how newsrooms operate and can take advantage of industry trends to position you and your initiative to get impactful coverage! Want to learn more about our work and mission? Read our full "About Us" deck

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What Our Clients are Saying

Read some of our reviews below!

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I've received insight, support, and guidance on numerous occasions from Manon Media! I keep coming back because their support is effective and helps me to gain traction and get results

- Alexis Russell, Inspiring Experiences


Tianna Manon is a dynamo. Our firm focuses on a novel vertical market and has a complex methodology that we're seeking to inform and educate the general public. We intentionally sought to be represented by Black woman who understood social justice and change management.

Tianna's experience in writing, editing, newsrooms, and communications strategy make her insight and consultancy incredibly valuable

- Maya Ford, FordMomentum!

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