Drive Your Audience into Action: Social Media Content Calendar & Mastersheet | Manon Media
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Stay on top of your revenue goals with our client favorite– a monthly social media content calendar.


This template features several columns helping you formulate your call-to-action, ensure each post adheres to a content pillar and even drop multimedia right in! Finally, the status bar allows you note where each post is in the content creation process, making the monthly planning process a breeze. 


Stop wasting time thinking about what to post every day and use our Drive Your Audience into Action: Social Media Content Calendar & Mastersheet.


Perfect for long-term campaigns and business accounts with major profit goals. 


"I use this template to get what's in my brain out on paper. I saw an immediate increase in quality because I was forced to think about what content, what is the exact call-to-action instead of just posting," - Lauren P., influencer.


Your purchase includes the full template and it will be emailed right to your inbox! 

Drive Your Audience into Action: Social Media Content Calendar & Mastersheet

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