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Although the legacy of Frederick Douglass is well-known locally, many of us are only just learning how much of an impact his wife, Anna, and his daughter, Rosetta, had on his work.
That’s why several local historians, experts and activists are working to shed light on their contributions this Black History Month.
540WMain, Inc. a virtual Rochester-based education platform, will spotlight how Anna Douglass helped her husband gain his freedom and how together, the two women pushed his advocacy work.
“Unlike Frederick Douglass, whom much is written about, little is known about Anna Douglass,” said 540WMain Founder/CEO Calvin Eaton. “What we do know for certain is that Anna played an essential part in Frederick’s rise, paying for his escape from enslavement, raising their 5 children, managing their household, helping freedom takers on the Underground Railroad, and remaining informed about all aspects of the anti-slavery movement.”
540WMain will host three events:
A learning panel on the Douglass women where participants can learn about their contributions and how Black women activists today are changing the #ROC community. Date: 2/10 @ 5p.m.
A Public Art Call to place a mural on the corner of Monroe Ave. and Alexander St. featuring the faces of Rosetta and Anna Douglass. Deadline to apply: 3/15
An ongoing fundraiser to fund Black History Month events, pay artists/panelists and get the materials necessary for the mural.
Links to recent coverage:
Good Day Rochester -- 13WHAM & FOX Rochester

About 540WMain: 540WMain is a virtual antiracist education platform that promotes justice for all. We encourage individuals to broaden their horizons and learn more about multidisciplinary topics that impact the world. Our programming includes virtual and in-person classes, antiracism consulting, and community building.