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Roc Freedom Riders and Compeer Rochester Create 100 Mentors Bike Ride

Our Stories Matter is an initiative by the Mañón Media Management. We believe in the power of telling our stories to reconnect divided communities and elevate key voices in ongoing discussions. If you are interested in contacting the sources for this story for news coverage, please email for more information.

ROC Freedom Riders and Compeer Rochester is highlighting the power of Black and Latino/a mentorship in Rochester. 100 Mentors is a free community event featuring vendors, activities, food trucks, resources, freebies, a community-wide photo shoot, and a neighborhood bike ride with loaner bikes provided by HOPR Bike and Scooter share.

The 100 Mentors Bike Ride takes place Saturday, September 25 at Monroe Square, 259 Monroe Avenue.

Compeer Rochester will present opportunities to mentor Black and Latino youth who are living with mental health challenges and currently on a waiting list to be assigned a mentor.

Agenda for 100 Mentors Bike Ride:

Help us make a statement about the power of mentorship by registering to ride in the 100 Mentors bicycle ride powered by ROC Freedom Riders. Community members without a bicycle can register for a loaner bike provided by HOPR Bike and Scooter Share here.

Over a dozen Black and Latino/a vendors will be onsite sharing resources, selling products, and offering services. Register to attend the event or be a vendor (vendor fee waived).

Join the community-wide photo shoot that will be featured inside Minority Reporter’s October 2021 Mentor Edition.

Our Stories Matter is an initiative by the Mañón Media Management. We believe in the power of telling our stories to reconnect divided communities and elevate key voices in ongoing discussions. If you are interested in contacting the sources for this story for news coverage, please email for more information.


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