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Family Files Federal Lawsuit Against Children’s Hospital& CPS for Illegal Separation & Withholding of Their Children

The Troy family wants to ensure this emotional trauma never happens to another family.

A family is suing several members of the Texas Department of Family Services and Dell Children’s Medical Center, alleging “the unlawful seizure” of their two children, after both parents were unfairly accused of child abuse.

The allegations of abuse and neglect made against the parents, Lorina and Jason, of their youngest son, JT, stem from a rare medical condition: benign external hydrocephalus, which causes swelling in the head. Present from birth, JT’s head circumference measured in the 95th percentile, however, it wasn’t until months later that authorities got involved, wrongfully accusing their father of causing the head swelling. This led to both children being taken from the family, and instead of being placed with nearby family members, they were separated and put into foster care, which led to a complete lack of care for JT.

Additionally, Jason, was charged with two serious felonies and lost his career and position with the military/government while the family, together lost their home from mounting attorney fees.

The children were continuously withheld from their parents, in foster care, for about 150 days by CPS. A Travis’s county court judge ordered the children to be returned home after five months and Lorina and Jason were then cleared from the arbitrary investigation and wrongful accusations of abuse by CPS and by Dell Children’s Medical Center.

“What we needed was help,” said Lorina. “Our son has a medical condition and not only were we not able to get the correct diagnosis and proper treatment, he was removed from our home, put into foster care with his sibling, and both of our children were withheld from us for about 150 days. This is a gross abuse of power that we’ve been fighting and we’re ready to head to court and really hold these individuals responsible now. It took two and a half years for us to have a correct diagnosis for our son. We need to make sure this doesn’t continue to happen to families across our nation. Many families are contacting me and saying they are going through a similar situation.”

Lorina is available for an interview and her attorney can also join the interview.

You can learn more about the Troy family at the following resources:

1.) Take Care of Maya, Documentary on Netflix


3.) KSBY

4.) Miracles of Faith: Our Child was Misdiagnosed. It Greatly Affected Our Lives


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