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[PR Tip] How to Master a Live Interview [+ Helpful Handout]


Do you have a live interview coming up? Scarier than the traditional interview, the live interview can need a bit more preparation but don't worry you're in the right place. This blog post and helpful handout will help you identify easy ways to share your message, calm your nerves and even utilize two activities to feel as comfortable as possible when your interview comes.

By: MMM Editorial Team

Live interviews can be intimidating—there’s no room for retakes, and the spotlight is on you. But they can also be a game-changer in building your credibility and getting your message heard by a broader audience. Whether you’re an industry expert or a spokesperson, live interviews offer a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise and communicate your message in real time.

At Manón Media Management, we’ve helped clients ace live interviews that led to significant media placements and raised their public profile. Here’s a quick guide with actionable tips that have helped our clients to assist you in preparing and shining during your next live interview:

1. Speak in Plain Language

Avoid industry jargon and focus on making your message accessible. A great rule of thumb is to imagine you’re speaking to someone who has a general interest in your topic but little background knowledge. Break down complex issues, provide quick context, and ensure your audience can follow along without getting lost. You essentially want someone to hear your interview and, without having to learn more, be able to easily communicate the ideas you shared with their own network.

2. Use Notes, Not a Script

While preparation is key, avoid sounding over-rehearsed. Instead of memorizing a full script, work from bullet points that outline your key messages. This allows you to remain conversational, confident, and flexible—qualities that make for an engaging interview. Take it one step further and highlight or circle points you definitely want to make so that when you glance at your notes mid-interview you're reminded to make that point.

3. Don’t Forget Your Call-to-Action

A live interview is your chance to direct your audience to the next step—whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for an event, or supporting a cause. We recommend working your call-to-action into the conversation naturally, so it doesn’t feel forced. Keep in mind that interviewers rarely have time to revisit missed points, so make sure to slip it in before the end. The ideal space for a live interview is in the beginning and, if you can, one more time towards the end.

What NOT to Do

To help you avoid common mistakes, here are a few things to steer clear of during live interviews:

  • Don’t stress over small mistakes. Everyone misspeaks occasionally. The key is to correct yourself quickly and move on. Dwelling on errors only wastes precious time and disrupts your flow and calls more attention to the initial error.

  • Don’t ramble. Keep your answers concise and on point. If you need to elaborate, let the interviewer guide you with follow-up questions. Rambling can confuse your audience and reduce your impact.

  • Don’t have your radio or TV on. Trying to listen to yourself on a live broadcast creates an audio feedback loop, which can disrupt the entire interview.

Live interviews are a powerful tool for PR, but preparation and presence are everything. Follow these tips to reduce anxiety, stay on message, and make your interviews as effective as possible.

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Activity: Two Easy Activities to Help You Get Ready for Your Live Interview

We offer two easy activities that we ask all of our clients to do ahead of their next live interview. They focus on two skills that are necessary for building awareness, staying focused in the midst of your interview and delivering your message in a concise but engaging way.

Here's the full handout for subscribers with those two activities at the bottom:

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