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CurAte Offering Samples at Three Heads Brewery, Enters Partnership With Laughing Gull Chocolates


The local organization finds another host in Three Heads Brewing and is partnering with Laughing Gull Chocolates to provide consumers with dessert options.

CurAte's recent expansion to Buffalo is not the organization's last significant step in highlighting local eateries. The organization provides samples to the crowds at Three Heads Brewing, a Rochester-based brewery. With Three Heads Brewery as a host, CurAte shares regional cuisines with a larger group of people.

"We've started introducing samples for the crowd at Three Heads Brewing, as well as a minimal number of meals for on-site purchasing for first-timers," says Brandon Vulaj, co-founder of CurAte.

Are you looking for a sweet treat after your surprise meal? The organization has partnered with Laughing Gull Chocolates, a woman-owned business, providing on-site options for customers craving dessert.

CurAte is proud of its recent expansion to Buffalo, but that doesn't mean they aren't looking for ways to improve the customer experience. The organization is working to offer better pickup options for consumers, granting flexibility to customers looking to try diverse meals from local restaurants.

"The expansion to Buffalo has been a great opportunity for us, the community has been incredibly welcoming and supportive, and we're looking forward to growing our Buffalo events into the best experience we can offer with the Nowhere Lounge as our host," says Brandon Vulaj. "Right now, we're working to offer the best pickup experience we can."

Want to showcase your support for CurAte? Be sure to spread the word.

"Tell your friends! We have so many great customers that use CurAte as the means to a dinner party, sometimes ordering three to four meals or more. We offer ten dollars off orders of three meals or more with the code DINNERPARTY," says Vulaj.

The organization's Prior Events page contains a list of each restaurant CurAte has worked with, so people looking to support local eateries can explore numerous options.

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