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Save the Date: Media 2070's Venneikia Williams Will Appear on Gyrl TV to Unpack Women's Voices in Media Representation!


Women's History Month is around the corner, and Gyrl TV is collaborating with Media 2070 campaign manager, Venneikia Williams to explore and address the critical issues surrounding women's representation in media. Catch the interview on Mon., March 4, at 7 p.m. CST/8 p.m. EST, on Gyrl TV, available on Roku and Amazon Fire TV!

Courtesy of Gyrl TV

Williams will talk about her motivations for reimagining media representation, the challenges faced by women, strategies for overcoming stereotypes, and the importance of authentic storytelling. Don't miss it!

To read Media 2070's landmark essay, visit Please contact Brian Geldin at to set up an interview with the team!



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