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Samson Tonton, Renowned Artist, to Appear for One-Day Show at Slater Memorial Museum


WHO: Samson Tonton, nationally renowned artist, will appear at Slater Memorial Museum for a one-day only exhibition

WHAT: Slater Memorial Museum to host annual Friends & Family event with special guest Samson Tonton

WHERE: Slater Memorial Museum, 108 Crescent St, Norwich, CT 06360

WHEN: Wednesday, May 28 @ 5-7 p.m. ET 

WHY: Slater Memorial Museum is using its annual event to spotlight the work of Samson Tonton, a Norwich-born artist, who is quickly growing in the art world for his distinct cubism style. Samson will debut original artwork for this exhibition and is available for on-site interviews with press. The event coincides with Haitian Heritage Month and Samson is a proud Haitian American who frequently uses themes from his home nation in his art.

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