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[Placement] Lorina Bourne Featured in Univision: Fighting Back After a Misdiagnosis Tore Her Family Apart

By: MMM Editorial Team

Lorina Bourne’s life was turned upside down when a devastating misdiagnosis led to her children being taken from her and placed in foster care. Her story, recently highlighted in a powerful segment on Univision, has sparked widespread attention and outrage.

The Univision report detailed the harrowing journey Bourne faced after being wrongfully accused of harming her children due to a misdiagnosis. Despite her efforts to clear up the accusations, Bourne’s children were removed from her custody, plunging her family into a nightmare. Now, Bourne is fighting back, seeking justice through a lawsuit aimed at holding those responsible accountable.

What sets Bourne’s story apart is her resilience and determination to not only reunite her family but also to bring awareness to the flaws in the system that allowed this to happen. Working with MMM has been instrumental in getting her story out to the public. Through strategic media coaching and tailored messaging, MMM has empowered Bourne to share her experience with a wider audience, ensuring that her voice is heard.

Bourne’s case is a stark reminder of the impact that misdiagnoses can have on families, and her fight for justice underscores the importance of advocacy and proper representation. As she continues her legal battle, her story serves as a beacon of hope for other families facing similar challenges, demonstrating the power of speaking out and seeking the truth.

If you are interested in interviewing Bourne or shedding a light on this story, please contact publicist Brian Geldin at

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