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Connections: What's Next for the USPS

The debate over the challenges faced by the United States Postal Service and how to solve them roils on. From funding cuts to concerns over mail-in voting options, there’s much at stake for the future of the service.

This hour, our guests discuss the history of the USPS, the sources of its financial trouble, its role in American democracy, and what’s next. Our guests:

  • Richard John, professor of history and communications at Columbia University, and author of “Spreading the News: The American Postal System from Franklin to Morse”

  • James O’Rourke, teaching professor of management and organization at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza School of Business

  • Kenny Montgomery, president of Branch 210 of the National Association of Letter Carriers

  • Tianna Mañon, freelance journalist and owner of Mañon Media Management

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